St Albans Football Club is one with an extensive history dating back to the club’s formation in 1897. As a strong community hub in a well-established part of the Geelong region, the club had outgrown their previous facilities. Key members of the club sought to develop an architectural approach that raised the quality of space, expressed the history of the club, and reinforced the club’s identity. Our design effectively integrated existing building elements of historical significance with Architectural treatments to better facilitate a growing football club. New lighting design, and the inclusion of new wall and ceiling finishes allowed us to provide a fresh and modern resolution. A focus on improving the building’s accessibility for all club members was essential in keeping with the spirit of strong comradery and mateship St Albans Football Club is known for. As is consistent with our general approach on capital works of this nature, our goal was to provide quality outcomes and environments, using intelligence and innovation to ensure the greatest improvements to the club as a whole for the given budget.